Register now for HomeAid Atlanta's 2nd Annual Hope & Homes Virtual 5K!
Walk, run, or jog in support of HomeAid Atlanta's mission to help people experiencing or at risk of homelessness build new lives through construction, community engagement, and education. The Hope & Homes Virtual 5K will run from May 15 to May 30: participants will have two weeks to submit their time. You can complete the race along any route that equals 5K (3.1 miles), recording and submitting your time using the It's Your Race mobile app. Your race time is automatically uploaded to our leaderboard for the chance to win prizes.
Get your friends and colleagues together and go the distance to build new lives!
Important Information & Dates:
- Before you race: How To Run a Virtual Race with It's Your Race
- May 12 - Race Packets mailed/available for pick up*
You do not need a race packet to complete the race. Race Packets contain 2nd Annual Hope & Homes 5K t-shirt, virtual race how-to, and info from our sponsors. Packets may be picked up between 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM at the Greater Atlanta Home Builders Association beginning May 12: 1 Dunwoody Park S., Suite 200, Atlanta, GA 30338
*If registration occurs after May 12, please allow one week for race packet pick-up/mailing.
- May 15-30 - Two weeks to submit your race time using the It's Your Race mobile app!
- Prizes will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place overall.
Prize packs include a Dick's Sporting Goods gift card, HomeAid swag, and gifts from our sponsors!
- Awards and Recognition Ceremony - May 31, 3:00 PM
Just for fun!
Snap a photo of yourself or your friends wearing Hope & Homes Virtual 5K t-shirts and submit it to by May 30 to be entered into a drawing to win exclusive HomeAid Atlanta prizes (one entry per email). Share your race photos on Instagram with the hashtag #HomeAidATL5K and tag @homeaidatl to gain an additional entry in the drawing (one entry per post). Winners will be announced at the Awards and Recognition ceremony on Facebook Live (May 31, 3:00 PM)! Note: Participants submitting photos via email and/or posting photos with the hashtag #HomeAidATL5K allow HomeAid Atlanta use of photos to promote the Second Annual Hope & Homes Virtual 5K and future events.
Get inspired! Watch the 2021 Hope & Homes Virtual 5K slideshow.